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Providing PEMF therapy for both the Equine and Equestrian.
Recharge the natural healing power hidden within each and every cell of your body




Welcome and thank you for visiting the Recharge PEMF Therapy page. My name is Leslie and I am a Pulse Center’s Advanced Certified PEMF Practitioner offering PEMF Cellular Exercise for horses and humans. You may be wondering, “what is PEMF?” Thankfully I can answer that! PEMF stands for Pulsed Electromagnetic Field. A PEMF device creates a gently pulsing electromagnetic field which “exercises” the cells, bringing them back into electrical balance while increasing nutrient circulation and oxygen flow. PEMF optimizes cell function and enhances the body’s natural ability to heal itself.


Inflammation and discomfort are signs of cellular imbalance. Recharge PEMF Therapy offers services in a variety of packages for both horse and rider. With our mobile unit we are able to travel to you! What are the benefits?

PEMF Exercise is safe, effective and drug free. It can aid in:

Relieving pain, improving athletic performance and behavior, reducing inflammation, supporting the immune system, reducing recovery time, improving sleep, supporting bone structure, and increasing range of motion

PEMF allows you to quickly bring cells back into electrical balance, increasing nutrient circulation and oxygen flow so that each cell then has the energy to work as the body intends.

Click to View Services and Pricing


PEMF units send a pulsing magnetic field deep into the body to areas of dysfunction through these accessories.  Amazingly, the magnetic field finds low voltage cells.  The PEMF session can help “charge” the cells for optimal cell function by allowing the cell to expand, relax, and become more permeable.


Lois Grout
PEMF Client

With back surgery looming in my near future, PEMF has been a lifesaver for pain relief. Getting up from the chair after a session has been AMAZING not to have that constant pain. Now I understand why the horses are so happy after a PEMF session! I wish I had started this years ago – with every session I feel better than the one before. Leslie is so knowledgeable about the benefits of PEMF – so thankful for her & her PEMF equipment. Looking forward to post-op PEMF therapy with RECHARGE.

Clea Cloutier
USEF Youth Sportsman of the Year 2019

PEMF Therapy not only helps my horse feel her best, but it helps me perform at my best too! My horse Hannah loved her session with Leslie and after a relaxing nap following her treatment, she was looking better than ever! After I received my chair treatment I felt like I was able to move my body and position myself in the saddle in ways I never have been able to before. PEMF helped me relax my shoulders and engage my core to help my horse best perform her job! PEMF is the competitive edge both horse and rider look for!

Judy Nason
Bellewether LLC

PEMF Therapy is something I have used in my barn for years. Whether it is being used as a preventative measure, to help heal an exisiting injury, or to help my show or lesson horses feel their best – it works! I recommend PEMF Therapy along with Equine Massage, Chiropractic, and Back on Track products to all of my clients from the local level, to the regional and all the way up to the World Championship level. My horses are athletes and we need to do what we can to make them feel their best and allow them to best perform the job asked of the


27Jan 20


Why PEMF? There is so much science in support of PEMF, but the best support for PEMF are the wonderful outcomes and stories from those actually using PEMF. My favorite…

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15May 19

Form is Function Clinic 2019

Recharge PEMF Therapy traveled to Spring Valley, OH to attend the Form is Function Clinic hosted by Cape Cod Equestrian Center. The clinic was run by clinicians Erin Boggs, Christy…

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Bristol, NH


    Disclaimer: The PEMF device used in the exercise session are not medical devices. It is not intended for the diagnosis, treatment or cure of any physical or medical condition. If you (or horse) are experiencing symptoms of a physical or medical condition, you should seek the advice of your medical / veterinarian professional immediately. Testimonials and quotes are the personal opinion of the authors, and based on their personal experiences; they are not intended as medical advice. Information and statements regarding PEMF devices have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not designed to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.